SEGA Saturn
3d Racing Game Project
Atlas Creator
Atlas Game Packs
Benchmark RAM
Atari Lynx
Game Boy Color
Wonder Swan Color
Neo Geo Pocket Color
Super Nintendo
Mine Sweeper
Patching: Enemy Zero
Patching: PlanetWeb
RB library
Saturn Game Tutorial
Save Game eXchange
Save Game Manager
Saturn High Level Interpreter
Saturn Tools
SCU indirect DMA
SGL replacement
Sound Player
Terrain Renderer
Texture Coordinates
The Rockin'-B All Stars
Tic Tac Toe
WinterSports Eins
Game Park 32
Mac OS X
EmulatorsHandheld video game emulators running on SEGA Saturn! aboutSome emulators I've ported to SEGA Saturn. They feature a good compatibility, but are still slow. Except for Select:
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featuresAll of them feature: working on real SEGA Saturn(screenshots taken from TV) frameskip support CD browser for ROM loading from any directory CD swapping (seperate CD with ROMS) (since v2) slow, slight speedup (since v2) support for multitap, recognizes pad disconnection (since v2) support exit by pressing A+B+C+START (since v2) no sound output (although emulated to some degree) no zipped roms no savestate support Some got: external RAM cart support experimental sound/sprite/cpu enable/disable switches Making a ROMs CDSince all emus come with 8.3 filenames subdirectories allowed not more than 98 files per directory This CD can then be swapped in: 1. in the emulator, press Z button to activate the file loader 2. press Y to stop CD 3. open CD door 4. remove the old CD 5. insert the new CD full of ROMs 6. close the CD door 7. press X button to scan in the new CD You can now browse the new CD and load a ROM. |