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POS, snes9x and SGL replacementWednesday, 10 May, 2006 12:00New Saturn homebrew game in the makingSome weeks ago, Arnold and me started working on a brandnew graphic adventure for SEGA Saturn. We had teamed up for It is gonna be inspired by Snatcher, Shadowrun and the like. I can tell you that the render images already look better than those of D and Mystery Mansion do on SEGA Saturn. I will try to use some special effects the Saturn has to offer, one of which is extreme high resolution of 704x512 pixel, that you might haven't seen in any Saturn game, before. I even managed to display sprites in this high resolution, although the specs mentioned in the vdp1 manual are below this. The game will be multi language, currently it's developed in german and will be translated into english (and maybe others), after completion. Things that I'd like add are: multiple sounds streamed from CD CD prefetching video playback We thought about using the MPEG cart for movie playback, but ran into problems in creating MPEG cart compatible CDs. SNES emu screenshots and compatibilityVBT made some nice Of the few games I tested, those are working with the asm cpu core: Actraiser 2, Blackthorne, Bomberman 1, Sonic, California Games 2, Captain Commando, Where in time is Carmen Sandiego, Castlevania 4, Chess Master, Clayfighter, Contra 3, Demon Crest, Desert Strike, Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy 5, F-Zero, F-Zero 2, Gradius 3, Illusion of Time, Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Mega Man x2, Mystic Quest, Another World, Rock 'n Roll Racing, Sim City, International Superstar Soccer Deluxe, Super Star Wars, Super Turrican, Super Turrican 2, Pro Tennis Tour, Terminator 2, Top Gear 1, Wing Commander, Zelda SGL replacement website updatedI added the latest new functions to the list on the slSlaveFunc, slScrWindow0, slScrWindow1, slScrLineWindow0, slScrLineWindow1, slScrWindowMode, slSetTVMode, slSetScrTVMode, slRequestCommand Besides smaller updates here and there, most interesting for devvers is a commented list of supported compile flags, that I've added, too. |