It's called: Gaming Hacks 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools from O'Reilly
You can read it by your own:
Hack 52: Hack the Dreamcast Visual Memory Unit (PDF
The VMU games galery section is referenced there multiple times.
Sadly though the author didn't recognize The Rockin'-B also being a development site (the last one). But maybe it's beyond the scope, since the article lists only first-start dev resources. Oooh, I never thought this could happen. First I was sure this PDF file was a hoax because it stated being from O'Reilly. But then I found it in the official O'Reilly book catalog and well, it's quite an honor for me.
The most referenced sections are MoPoMOD (even french translations) and VMU games galery. Well, since then the SEGA Saturn section of this site has grown A LOT.