Judge |
Sum |
Ceno |
Denymetanol |
djbass |
PerfectDarky |
Rockin'-B |
Ryo Suzuki |
SeGaFrEaK_NL |
Graphics |
26 |
Sehr schöne, vorgerenderte Areale mit einigen netten
Animationen, die
zwar noch etwas abgehackt wirken, aber die Mühe, die hinter
dem Ganzen
steckt, ist durchaus zu spüren. Insgesamt wirkt alles in sich
und verleiht dem Spiel eine glaubwürdige, recht realistische
und nicht
*zu* trashige Atmosphäre. Auf jeden Fall wurde mit viel Liebe
zum Detail
Very nice hq renders, a bit flickering animations, would progress very
Beautifully rendered scenery, user interface is well balanced with rest
of game. There is not too much negative to be said about what has been
achieved here, some parts like the dialogue frame are a little rough
around the edges (no pun intended) but not enough to detract from
4 |
Another entrance with very good graphics. It's amazing to find a game
based on bitmaps that are 3d renders, without any doubt is something
great. The models seem to be made with some kind of software like
Poser, but the scenarios, models and objects that we interactuate with
are very attractive for a homebrew. Menus, fonts, visual and graphic
aspect shows a quality worth to check. Also the graphics are in a
really high resolution, the best that can offer the Sega Saturn. |
The renders of the surroundings are nicely done but I'm not so fond of the main character render and the animation at the start
looks a bit silly. I guess the interface could use some work, it could
look a little better. The text area at the bottom is nicely done (I
like the guns) but the lines of text are cut off a little sloppy which
sometimes leaves just a single '?' at the second
The loading screens could use some animation. (a gun that fires for
Sound |
25 |
Angenehme Hintergrundmusik, die gut zum Spielgeschehen passt sowie nette
Soundeffekte. Das eigentliche Highlight dürfte aber die
Sprachausgabe sein. Die Sprecher, allen voran die Stimme von Mr. Smith,
sind zwar nicht *perfekt*, gerade die Qualität könnte
besser sein, aber
dennoch ein dickes Lob für die Mühe und irgendwie
sind die Stimmen ja
auch gerade durch ihre bemühte Art so liebevoll :)
Nice speech and good dialogues. Awaiting a future CG animations to
introduce better the story.
Nice soundtrack, complements the mood. Sound effects are well used and
placed approriately.
4 |
Another point in the one that stands out. Nothing less than the
incorporation of orinal recorded voices, in German and I suppose that
of the own (proper) programmers, but that stay really well and that do
not make us think about a fan dubbing a game. The musical very correct,
sonorous atmosphere of totally irreproachable game. |
A couple of moody tunes that fit nicely. It has some interface sounds
perhaps some more SFX would help to create added ambience. Very nice to
actual speech being used although the main character's speech could use
some work. The boss's speech is spot on.
Gameplay |
19 |
Das Gameplay konnte leider nicht ganz halten, was Sound und Grafik zuvor
versprochen hatten. Vor allem die Menüführung ist
noch *sehr* hakelig
und bedarf oftmals mehrerer Buttondrücke, bevor die
gewünschte Reaktion
erfolgt. Zudem zerrten die häufigen Ladezeiten (trotz
RAM-Karte) des
öfteren an den Nerven des durchaus interessierten Spielers.
Würde das Handling ein wenig flüssiger von Statten
gehen und das Spiel
mehr Interaktion bieten (was in der finalen Version sicherlich der Fall
sein wird), wäre die Wertung mit Sicherheit etwas
höher ausgefallen,
denn neben GAGANOID lässt vor allem POLICE OFFICER SMITH
großes Potential
Kleiner Hinweis am Rande (hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Wertung):
Stellt man die Sprache auf "Deutsch", bricht das Programm beim Start mit
folgender Fehlermeldung ab:
GFS_Load_name_buffer failed
Lua exited with error:
[string "0.LVA"]:1: attemp to index field '?' (a nil value)
The game is simplified to use but needs more time to react. A bit slow
in "screen" changes aproaching to zones and interacting too.
Though not yet complete and only partially playable Arnold &
Rockin'B have effectively demonstrated what can be achieved on the now
aging Saturn with
a little creative thinking and hard work. More importantly they have
captured the right feel for this game, and some elements are
reminiscent of
old style detective adventures (Max Payne & Police Quest come
to mind).
Scheint ein sehr schönes Spiel zu werden
:),die Sprach samples sind wirklich gut gelungen.
Ladezeiten an manchen Stellen recht nervig(ohne ram modul). |
We are in front of what we can name a clon of Snatcher, enough said I
think. A good history that shows to us in wich the interactivity is
through menus like in the old graphic adventures. Very well made, it
gives the sensation of playing a commercial game. Great work, we would
like to see it complete someday... |
POS shows potential with a large amount of objects to be looked at and
inspected. Sadly, there's only two scenes in this version so it doesn't
take long to have 'done' everything. Credits for the use of the RAM
Extra-Points |
5 |
using sound effects AND background music.
not using CDDA for background music.
using a RAM cartridge.
having hires+double interlaced backgrounds in menu.
having hires or double interlaced backgrounds in game.
Extra points not granted:
having polygon display in hires, because the rules don't clearly state
that this goes for sprites, too.
using dual CPUs, because the noticable advantage in game is not that
clear. The author says that it significantly speeds up image transition
preparation, but in the end, the slave CPU is too seldom used in game
to assign an extra point for that. |
Overall |
75 |
Maybe one promising black novel best seller ^o^, this
graphic adventure
shocks in your tv showing hi-res rendered characters and a great sound
work with digitalized speech and sounds. The actual work of the team of
creators would make one great title. Actually is a bit slooow access to
all navigation menus due this SUPER-HI-QUALITY-
the refesh and flicker of interlace is not problem, you can choose
different screen resollutions but navigation is slow too. Maybe the
optimization actually due to VERY occupied creatives is poor, but in
near months this project will shock the scene. Another game favourite
to win is this superb compendium. |
Police Officer
Smith could be the most sophisticated Saturn homebrew and I'm
looking forward to future versions. This preview version shows
potential but
lacks a decent amount of gameplay (yet).